
Hey! Ghoul! Want some Art?


Bookmark commission page here

Well well! Lucky you. I am here to provide such things! So how does it begin? Well. Theres multiple ways to do it, Buut! I work best with a character sheets or mood boards. Character sheets can be turn arounds of a original character or even as simple as photos of the being (Whether Human, OC, Pets, etc) for me to get my reference in mind. I also adore moodboards, Where I can get a vibe of what your after. It can be a muddle of colours, pictures of locations, clothing and even music can help inspire me on the exact vibe you are after! Heck, you could even send me images of my past work you like the mood of.

I'm even happy to help create new mascots, characters and the like if you want to begin your journey of visualising your dreams!

But hey! Im getting ahead of myself, take a peek below at my prices. Know that these are base costs. Every commission will get a quote before work begins to confirm alls groovy. 

If you want to discuss anything please email 

Yes its Ooky with two Ys.

Give atleast 5 days for a response as streaming mid-week can cause my brain to go fiddly with finding time to respond haha!

Want to see my prior work?

Click me!


Thing to know: Emotes are tiny, Itty Bitty. Remember to not get
too hung up on small details as they can be lost in a typical chatbox. I draw all
emotes with a whiteoutline.. Its a personal thing. But happy to remove if asked. 
Emotes: £25 Per Emote. 5 Emotes £100. 
Animated Emotes: £70, Per Emote, starting cost.
+Price increases with more frames needed.


Can be anything from a human to a pet, Original characters or designed
by yours truely! I looove drawing characters! 
Things to know: Below are beginning prices, complexity may increase price
“Per Extra Person” can mean anything from humans, pets, etc etc 
All are drawing with “simple” backgrounds in my signature patterned
Headshots (Shoulders up): £50, £20 Per Extra Person.
Bust (Waist up): £70, £95 for two people. £30+Per Extra Person.
Full Body: £100, £40 Per Extra Person.
+ Complicated BG may add additional costs.
+ Any props may add additional costs.

Fancy somthing completely different?

Did I not list something you want? Well guess what! Theres more! 

I can even provide Panels for Twitch, Stream overlays (Starting, BRB, END + BACKGROUNDS), Tattoo designs, Merch designs and more! Get in touch before nabbing a open slot with my

Email so we can discuss in depth what you want and I can provide you with a quote of price. 

Just that bit more Info:

Which brings me to this bit! What is the process?

I usually work in check ins. For example: You give me your brief,
I scurry away and sketch out my thoughts. I will come back
for a check in for any adjustments. Once Okay’d I will go forth
and sketch with a second image for colour swatches. Once again,
Revisions and okay! Off I go and I finish off the drawing in full
detail. If any revisions are needed once drawn or part-way coloured,
May result in additional costs due to redrawing+More time needed.
TLDR: 1 Revision at Sketch, 1 Revision at line+Colourswatches, Anymore revisions may result in additional costs.

I expect payment upfront once price is confirmed to begin work. Payment is done through paypal. Once work begins there is no refunds avaible. However,
If for whatever reason I am unable to contiune the commissions
for any reason, I will refund 100% the payment


So uh.. FAQ?

  • What if I request somthing you don't wanna do? I won't. I have no quarrel saying no to things that make me uncomfortable or are not somthing I feel I can provide to high enough quality.
  • How long do Commissions take? I will address this in the email of estimate, but honestly.. as long as it takes! haha!
  • I have a deadline in mind, Will you hit it? If you want a creation for a certain date, please ensure to contact me with enough time prior. I'd even be as extreme as say a whole month before the date. If you want it now, ASAP, without waiting for me to open my commissions. I Can possibly take you on. However, know, that there is a "Rush" cost added on if you want to commission me before I reopen.
  • Do you do NSFW? Depends. I have no interest drawing anything sexual. Nudity is okay.. depending on whats going on. Its a funny one. Email me with what your after and I will let you know my boundries. 
  • Can I print my drawing? Yes. You are allowed to do whatever you want with the drawing. The only thing I ask is please credit. If your going to sell the drawing, please mention this at start of communication for a discussion.
  • Why only two people in the queue? This is my way of not letting myself feel swamped with providing a service. Two at a time means I can take breaks between re-opening if I need too and also ensure I'm working to my best abilities at all time. Once the two are done, I reopen! Easy peasy!
  • I can't afford your prices but I want work from you, Why so expensive? First thing first, my prices are a base. They changed depending on complexity, demands and the like. Drawing is part of my bread and butter at the moment, so my prices reflect my need to pay rent+bills+food. If you want work, but my prices seem "steep" please email me. We could negotiate a different payment method and prices.
  • Will you post my drawing everywhere? Potentially! I always ask before sharing the final result on my numerous social media pages. This is because not everyone wants their drawings be public and thats fine with me too! 
  • Will you stream the process of my drawing? I personally like to work on art privately in my own time rather than publically. I'm happy to record the process for my YT channel Ooklings to share if you wish! 
  • Can I get Traditional Artwork? It's not a service I offer... YET. I want to get in routine with commissions first... and perhaps.. one day.. soon.. I will reopen for traditional fineliner doodles.
  • Can I buy previous original Digital artwork as a poster? Sortof yes! Enquire and I could add it into the site as a option. Not all drawings are able to be printed. But don't ask, You don't know!

More FAQs may be added over time! :)